University Computer Centre
University Computer Centre
Bhagat Phool Singh Mahila Vishwavidyalaya
Khanpur Kalan, Sonepat, Haryana (India) Pin- 131305

Good Morning
Tuesday, 01 April 2025

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About Us

The Computer Centre is a central computing facility of the University and manages its  IT infrastructure and services. It is established in the year 2010 under the Establishment/Upgradation scheme of UGC with an aim to meet the computing requirements of all the students, research scholars, staff and faculty members of the University and to provide technical support to the different Departments/Branches/Institutes of the University. It is equipped with 60 (All in One) of higher configuration along with 03 dedicated Higher End Servers to cater the ICT activities of the University. The Centre is connected with 1Gbps internet bandwidth and NKN network under NMEICT project of MHRD and also having Static IP based Video Conferencing Unit. From its very inception, the UCC has effectively been performing task of building up data processing capabilities of many branches of the University and playing a vital role in imparting intensive training time to time to the staff of the University.

University Computer Centre

Mrs. Sonal


Mrs. Sonal

M.Tech CSE, Ph.D (Pursuing)


Mrs. Ompati

Lab Attendant


Mr. Sunil Khurana

Technical Assistant
B.E (Computer Science & Engineering)

Services Offered


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MDU Facilities

Facilities and Services:

  1. Implementation of University IT Policy
  2. Training and awareness on IT related issues
  3. Computer Centre provides central Computing facility to the following:
  • Faculty Members
  • Students
  • Research scholars
  1. Online admissions
  2. Provide computer training to Non- Teaching staff members.
  3. Works as Media Centre.
  4. Provides Technical support to the different Departments/Branches/Institutes of the University.
  5. Look after the internet and Wi-Fi.
  6. Provides Video Conferencing Facility to the University.

    Contact us

    Contact Us:-

    Mrs. Sonal Beniwal



    Teaching Block - II, Dept. CSE and IT,

    Faculty of Engineering & Technology,