Bhagat Phool Singh Mahila Vishwavidyalaya
Khanpur Kalan, Sonepat, Haryana (India) Pin- 131305
Accredited with 'B++' grade by NAAC
A State University established by an Act of Haryana Legislature & recognized by U.G.C. under Section 2(f) and 12(B) of the U.G.C. Act 1956

Good Afternoon
Saturday, 29 March 2025

Vision Mission, Core Values, Strategic Plan & Code of Ethics


Bhagat Phool singh Mahila Vishwavidyalaya’s vision is to make a profound difference in the lives of women by empowering them to attain their full potential through pursuit of knowledge, acquisition of skills, development of character and self esteem, and recognition of their rights and responsibilities


To make available for women particularly the rural women, quality education ensuring affordability, easy access and relevance through learner centric, action oriented approach that shall facilitate building of competitive skills and enforcement of human values in the society as whole.

Code of Ethics for Academic Integrity and Plagiarism--> CODE OF ETHICS


The objective of the knowledge creation and dissemination can only be achieved when all the stakeholders of the University i.e. students, research scholars, faculty, non-teaching staff, evaluators, sponsoring agencies, and consultants etc. maintains the individual as well as institutional academic integrity and morality. The BPSMV attaches significant consideration to uphold the high ethical standards in the academics and research undertaken by the internal stakeholder. This policy document compress, the guidelines, and ethical framework to ensure strict compliance of integrity and ethical conduct in academics and research.


  • Value Education Enunciated by the Vedic Gurukul Parampara.
  • Academic Integrity and Accountability.
  • Relevance, Innovation and Excellence.
  • Social Commitment and Inclusiveness. 
  • Ecological Sustainability.
  • Transparency and Governance. 
  • Empathy and Responsiveness.

Last Modified On: Nov 10, 2022